No Stars Out Stout (Guiding Light Stout)
Grains: 27 lb two row pale malt
4 lb black patent malt
3 lb 40 L crystal malt
3 lb chocolate malt
1 lb flaked barley
2 cups rice hulls
Hopping: 3 oz  Northern Brewer (60 mins boil)
8 oz Cascade 1/3 full boil, 1/3 30 mins, 1/3 finish
extras: 2 tsp gypsum in mash H2O
3 tsp irish moss (30 mins boil)
2 cups Molasses (30 mins boil)

Brewers' notes:  Target Gravity upper 1.050's.
time comments
10:45 done w/ wrangling on recipie - clean up done, start assembly
11:10 begin cracking grains, continue assembly
11:15 fill brew pot w/ 12 gal h2o ca 50 deg C - done cracking grains
11:31 heating Tin = 47, Tout= 44
11:40 Tin=50, Tout=50; Doh' in started, light stiring as grains are added.
11:47am Dough in done, "nice lookin soup we got there" -CM,  Receirc on
time Tin / comment Tout / comment
11:49am 51 48  "it's dark now" -CM
11:58am 46 46  - beer thirty
12:00n 46 45  flame to 1/4"
12:25pm 49 47  flame to 3/4"
12:35pm 53 51
12:45pm 56 53 - making foam... flow level changes
12:57pm 59 56  flame up a bit... maybe now 3/4"
1:07pm 63 62
1:15pm 67 65 - hold - flame to 5/8"
1:30pm 70 68 - flame to 3/8"
2:00pm 67 67 - flame to 1" 
2:20pm 76 74 - sparge w/ h2o heater sp=70
2:27pm 74 - finishing up sparge, flame full
2:45pm Boil - add hops Add Cascade 44.7g 9.1 alpha 30g 5.8 alpha
Add Northern Brewer, 3oz 8.7 alpha
3:15pm add hops, molasses and irish moss Cascade 74.6g 9.1 alpha acid, 3 tsp irish moss in 16oz h2o presoaked
3:45pm heat off - start cooling Cascade 74.6g 9.1 alpha acid finish
4:06pm 83 55 recirc through wort chiller 
4:10pm 45 40
4:20pm start racking to fermenter - spill 1pt by improperly sealed fitting
4:30pm rinse back through WC to 10 gal in brew pot finish racking wort
4:40pm done racking, allow trub separation to happen
5:40pm most cleaning done, rinse CIP, over to iodine solution
6:17pm pitch yeast, not enough trub at this point to warrant dump
Finish notes:
O.G. = 1.050, approx 15 gals initial in fermenter.  taster's notes: quite dark beer, fuller mouthfeel, building bitterness in the finish palate from hops, burnt taste, molasses slightly detectable.  Pitched 3 vials white labs California Ale yeast WLP001 at 78 degrees F

10/27/02 rack to keg (no drop for secondary).  Final Gravity 1.022.  Yield 15.00 gallons.  Taster notes:  Strong stout, slightly gritty mid mouth feel, burnt.  Hopping character (bittering, finish) on target for a stout.  Slightly fruity on the tip of the tongue but overall dry.  Pressurize w/ co2 for 30 seconds @ 30 psi.